A spare room to tow behind a (narrow)boat or leave at a mooring or garden
Please email if you have any quieries or suggestions, or contact us on facebook.
The manufacturing site and registered office is at The Solar Kingfisher, on the Worcestor & Birmingham Canal, as per postal address.
Please contact before attending to avoid a disappointing journey
The postal address is as follows:
Pod Boats Limited
The Solar Kingfisher
Canalside behind 31 Pritchatts Road
B15 2TT
Plesae Note: we have now moved out of our previous office at Faraday Wharf, Birmingham Science Park Aston, B7 4BB due to unsustainable rental charges
Updated and © copyright 19/08/2020 Pod Boats Limited, registered in England and Wales number 8603484
Site currently being built - watch this space